Container Size: 345g Serving Size: 11.5 Amount Per Serving: Protein: 14g Carbohydrates: 0.1g Fat: 0g Salt: 0g Ingredients: L-Leucina, Mix BCAA (L-Leucina, L-Isoleucina y L-Valina), Tartrato de L-Carnitina (Carnipure? ?Built on Quality. Backed by ScienceTM?)*, Acidulante (A?cido Ci?trico), Extracto de la Goma Resina de Garcinia cambogia (Garcinia gummi-gutta), Extracto Seco de la Hoja de Te? Verde (Camellia sinensis), Extracto seco de fruto de Ara?ndano (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Aroma Natural, Extracto de rai?z de Diente de Leo?n (Taraxacum officinale), Glicina, Aromas, Antiaglomerante (Dio?xido de Silicio), L-Ascorbato Ca?lcico (Vitamina C), Extracto seco de partes ae?reas de Cola de Caballo (Equisetum arvense), Extracto seco de hoja de Gayuba (Arctostaphylos uva ursi), Extracto seco de falso fruto de Enebro (Juniperus communis), Extracto seco de semilla de Perejil (Petroselinum crispum), Edulcorante (Sucralosa) y Extracto Seco del Fruto de la Pimienta Negra (Piper nigrum L.). Please Note: Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
If you require detailed ingredient information, please get in touch with us.
Whilst we make every effort to ensure allergen and nutritional information on our website is complete, please refer to the product label for full detail of information.
The Pop Up Deli is not the manufacturer of the products sold on our website.
Manufacturers may alter their product information at any time. If you have any specific product queries, please contact the manufacturer.
This notice does not affect your legal rights. You should always read the labels, warnings and instructions provided with the product before using or consuming it and never rely solely on the information listed on our website.
Zoomad Labs Caretaker Squeeze 345g Fresh Cola